PBIS is a comprehensive and preventative approach to discipline. The main goal of PBIS is to decrease unwanted student behavior in schools and classrooms and to develop integrated networks that support students and adults at the school, classroom, family, and individual student levels.
Under PBIS, serious behavior problems and overall school climate improves because faculty and staff actively teach positive behavior, through modeling expected behavior and rewarding positive behaviors, such as academic achievement, following adult requests, and engaging in safe behavior.
The overarching and continuous goal of SWPBIS is to establish a positive school and classroom climate, in which expectations for students are predictable, directly taught, consistently acknowledge and actively monitored. [1]
Key features of PBIS:
Key features of PBIS:![]()
Key features of PBIS:
- Focus on specific behavioral expectations and rewarding students for desired behavior.
- Defining and teaching a common set of positive behavioral expectations throughout the school
- Acknowledging and rewarding expected behavior, and
- Establishing and using consistent consequence for problem behavior.
Multi-tiered Support
- Primary or Universal Intervention: school-wide support and positive behavior instruction for all students
- Secondary or Selective Interventions: support catered to students who are at risk, and
- Tertiary or Indicated Intervention: intensive support focused on students who are the most chronically and intensely at risk of anti-social behavior
Data-based Decision Making
- Collecting and recording when, where and to whom suspensions are given and where problems occur in order to make smart decisions about resources and assistance.
[1]Adapted from Osher, D., Bear, G.G., Sprague, J.R., Doyle,W.
(2010), How can we improve School Discipline; Technical
Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and
Supports (2012),What is Positive Behavioral Interventions and
Supports, www.PBIS.org
(2010), How can we improve School Discipline; Technical
Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and
Supports (2012),What is Positive Behavioral Interventions and
Supports, www.PBIS.org
PBIS Annual Evaluation Summary
PBIS Annual Evaluation Summary![]()
PBIS Annual Evaluation Summary