Alvarez has a number of clubs that you can join to make your high school experience better! During the first few weeks of school, Everett Alvarez has a Club Rush Day where all clubs provide information to interested and prospective members. Many clubs help raise money for different activities.
If you are interested in becoming a club member, listen for morning announcements for days Club's have meetings. Also, see Dave or Mr. Munguia in the ASB office to find out who advises the club you are interested in.

Starting a New Club
There is a wide range of clubs of which to take advantage of but, if there is not a club that satisfies a
need, you can always start a new one. Information on how to start a club can be found in the ASB
office. The general steps in starting a new club are:
There is a wide range of clubs of which to take advantage of but, if there is not a club that satisfies a
need, you can always start a new one. Information on how to start a club can be found in the ASB
office. The general steps in starting a new club are:
- Have at least 10 members
- Find a teacher to act as an advisor
- Elect student officers
- Write a constitution (samples are available in the ASB office)
- Fill out an application to start a club (available in the ASB office)
- Create a budget and list of activities (available in the ASB office)
- Submit to ASB for approval