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Open Library access to over 1,000,000 free World's classic literature in eBooks.
LibriVox thousands of free audiobooks
SYNC Free Audiobooks for Teens - SYNC 2019 will give away 26 titles - 2 paired audiobook downloads a week. Sign up between April 26th - July 25th, 2018, to receive free summer audiobook program for teens 13+.
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Access thousands of authoritative articles that may include photographs, illustrations, maps, research tools, games, videos, primary sources and more to help you with your research projects, homework or just for fun! Please contact your librarian for log-in information.

Encyclopedia Britannica includes: Britannica School and Britannica Escolar for elementary, middle and high school students.

World Book Encyclopedia Online includes: World Book Student; World Book Advanced; World Book Kids; Timelines; Enciclopedia Estudiantil Hallazgos and Banco de Contenidos aulaPlaneta.
SIRS Researcher - A reliable resource for research including pro & con issues.
eLibrary - Access to a wide collection of periodicals and digital media.
eLibrary Guided Research - Access one of the largest general reference collections of periodical and digital media content including more than 11,000 Research Topics.
Proquest Central - Access to all your ProQuest databases, like Research Library, Historical Newspapers, and more.
CultureGrams - Links students to country reports that go beyond mere facts and figures to deliver a one-of-a-kind perspective on daily life and culture.
SIRS Discoverer - General reference resource that helps students in grades 1-9 develop their research, writing, language and computer skills.
Includes: Alternative Energy; American Decades;American Law Yearbook; CaseBase: case studies in global business;Encyclopedia of Education; Encyclopedia of Religion; Encyclopedia of World Biography; The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine; History Behind the Headlines: The origins of Conflicts Worldwide; New Dictionary of the History of Ideas; Novels For Students: Presenting analysis, context and criticism on commonly studied novels; Schirmer Encyclopedia of Film;Scholarships, Fellowships and Loans: a guide to education-related financial aid programs for students and professionals; UXL Encyclopedia of Drugs & Addictive Substances; Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations.
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Salinas Public Library
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Free access with your library card.
Monterey County Free Library
Free access with your library card.
Free access with your library card.
Library of Congress
"Use the largest library in the world online or in person."
"Use the largest library in the world online or in person."